4 Book Recommendations for Professional Development in Nursing

1. Invaluable by Maya Grossman

Do you have audacious career goals and no idea how to take the first step? Despite having earned a degree or two, have you found it hard to transition from theory to practice and make things happen in the “real world”? If so, you are not alone. You were not provided with the proper skills to reach success―until now.

In Invaluable, marketing expert and career coach Maya Grossman uncovers the 10 soft skills that every professional needs to master to evolve from a “typical employee” to an “invaluable employee” ―the top talent every company wants to attract and retain.

2. How To Lead When You’re Not In Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority by Clay Scroggins

In How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge, author and pastor Clay Scroggins explains the nature of leadership and what’s needed to be a great leader, even when you answer to someone else.  In this book, Clay will walk you through the challenge of leadership and the four basic behaviors all great leaders have and how to cultivate them:

  1. Leading Yourself
  2. Choosing Positivity
  3. Thinking Critically
  4. Rejecting Passivity

3. Words That Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear by Dr. Frank Luntz

In Words That Work, Luntz offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the tactical use of words and phrases affects what we buy, who we vote for, and even what we believe in. With chapters like “The Ten Rules of Successful Communication” and “The 21 Words and Phrases for the 21st Century,” he examines how choosing the right words is essential.

4. Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities, 6th edition by Carol J. Huston 

Reflecting both enduring professional considerations and the most pressing contemporary issues facing the nursing profession, Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities, 6th Edition, equips readers with proven, expert insight essential to success in today’s nursing practice.

This straightforward, engaging text challenges the reader to critically analyze issues and form their own assessments about the state of nursing and their role as a professional nurse, building the critical thinking and clinical judgment to effectively manage workplace considerations, workforce issues, legal and ethical concerns, nursing education challenges, and issues related to professional power and advancing the nursing profession.

6 Tips for Legal Nurse Consultants to Boost Productivity at Work

We are challenged daily to do more, plan more and accomplish more tasks. Psychologists spend hours studying ways to improve daily workflow, and some of what they’ve found is surprising.

  1. Know the difference between multitasking and limited distractions

    There are times when we need to be flexible and move from one assignment to the next due to client deadlines, etc. However, working on multiple tasks at the same time for one assignment can potentially obstruct your overall workflow. The brain can go into overload by switching back and forth between tasks. Instead, prioritize and focus on one task at a time, and don’t let the others distract you.

  2. Conquer difficult tasks first

    Prioritize your tasks by deadlines and level of difficulty when possible. If you can conquer the most difficult tasks first, you’ll be able to power through the rest of your tasks with ease. For example, when reviewing medical records, pharmacy records can be very detailed and tedious. If feasible, review those records first.

  3. Stay organized

    Each day, take a few minutes to re-evaluate your commitments, emails, meetings, etc. Taking the time to eliminate clutter will improve your workflow in the long run.

  4. Take regular breaks

    Studies show taking regular breaks will improve your workflow and ability to focus on prolonged tasks. Refresh your mind by stepping away from your computer and having a beverage or grabbing a quick snack. Recharge yourself by taking a 20-minute walk or stretching every few hours.

  5. Use dual screens

    Consider investing in a second monitor screen. Displaying records you’re reviewing on one screen and the document you’re writing up on a different screen will enhance your ability to read the records and saves time from toggling back and forth. It has been proven a much quicker way to work.

  6. Save your work

    Have you ever been plugging away on a project, and then all of a sudden, the dreaded error message pops up and you lose all of your most recent work?  It’s the worst. Especially when you realize you haven’t saved in two hours. Get into the habit of saving constantly.

6 Ways to Elevate Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn profiles are a must-have for professionals in all industries. You’ve created a profile, and you keep your experience up to date [5 Tips to Create an Impressive LinkedIn Profile], but what else can you do to elevate your presence on the world’s largest professional network?

Try these 6 tips to bump your LinkedIn profile from LinkedIn Beginner to LinkedIn Pro:

  1. Add a background photo
  2. List your relevant skills
  3. Manage your accomplishments
  4. Use photo frames
  5. List your location
  6. Align with your industry

1. Add a background photo

The background photo of your LinkedIn profile is the image that appears at the top of the page, sometimes referred to as the banner image. Updating this photo is a quick way to elevate your profile and visually support who you are.

LinkedIn background photo

Ideas for your background photo on LinkedIn:

  • Company name or current role
    Typically used by professionals in sales roles and entrepreneurs to highlight their focus. 

  • Product or service
    Typically used by professionals in sales roles and entrepreneurs to highlight their focus. 

  • Hometown or current residence
    A landscape or city skyline photo is a great way to represent your geographical location. This can relate to your personal history of where you are from or relate to your current role. Both can assist in making connections with people in the same area.

  • Tools of your trade
    Stock photos displaying common tools or objects that relate to your profession are a descriptive way to showcase your expertise and skill set. 

    Free stock photo resources:
    Adobe Stock Free

  • Cause or mission
    Is there a cause or mission you are trying to impact through your work? Use a powerful image to represent this in your cover photo.


Learn how to change the background photo on your LinkedIn profile.


2. List your relevant skills

Maintain a relevant list of your skills on your LinkedIn profile to showcase your expertise and strengths to help you match with the right connections and opportunities.

LinkedIn also offers free skill assessments on industry knowledge and tool and technology. The assessments are 15 multiple choice questions and if you score in the top 30% you earn a skill badge to display on your profile. When adding skills to your profile, click “Take skill quiz” to launch a new window with assessment options. 

Learn how to add and remove skills on your LinkedIn profile.

List your relevant skills on your LinkedIn profile

3. Manage your accomplishments 

Showcase your industry and field expertise by adding your accomplishments on your LinkedIn profile. Encourage your connections and potential employers to find out more about your expertise and professional history.

Accomplishments include:

  • Courses
  • Honors & Awards
  • Languages
  • Organizations
  • Patents
  • Projects
  • Publications
  • Test Scores

Here is an example of Mindi Rosser’s LinkedIn profile (owner of Mindi Rosser Marketing) – she is the ultimate LinkedIn guru.  

Manage your accomplishments on your LinkedIn profile

Learn how to manage your accomplishments on your LinkedIn profile.


4. Use photo frames

This feature is for those seeking employment opportunities.

LinkedIn offers a frame that outlines your profile photo with #OpenToWork to show connections and employers that you are open and available to job opportunities. Only choose to use this feature if you are willing to let everyone know about your employment status and preference.

LinkedIn #Opentowork photo frame

Resource: LinkedIn
View video here

Learn how to change your profile photo frame on LinkedIn


5. List your location

Listing your location is a key detail to include on your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn’s search feature uses your location as the main driver for searchability. This will allow you to show up in more searches for employment opportunities and connections in your area.

If you’re looking to relocate, set your location to your desired destination for employers and peers to find you.

List your location on your LinkedIn profile

6. Align with your industry 

List the industry your experience aligns with in the introduction section of your LinkedIn profile. The introduction section is first section users see at the top of your profile. The purpose of this section is to highlight the items you want people to know immediately and at a glance.


Other fields listed in the introduction section:

  • Name
  • Profile photo
  • Background photo
  • Headline
  • Current position
  • Education
  • Location
  • Industry
  • Contact info

Learn how to change the industry information on your LinkedIn profile.

14 Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

Writing is something we do every day from work emails to shopping
lists to texting with friends and family. Writing is a craft and practice makes perfect. With time and effort your writing will improve each time. 

Here are 14 ways to start improving your writing: 

  1. Write everyday
    Good writing takes practice. The number one writing tip is to simply write as
    regularly and often as you can. This exercises the part of your brain responsible for your writing prowess. Writing every day does not have to mean churning out thousand word-long articles. Try documenting your day on paper to get started. 

  2. Read often
    Making a habit of reading will expose you to different styles of writing and ways of structuring articles and content, which will benefit your own work. Reading fiction will help you learn about narrative structure, while non-fiction can provide lessons on writing concisely and clearly.

  3. Focus on structure
    It’s important that your content is ordered logically, leading the reader through your arguments or ideas point by point. Introductions entice people to continue reading while outlining your reasons for writing and establishing your point of view. Each sentence and point should build upon the previous one. Anything that seems superfluous and does not move the story along should be left out. Avoid digressions and write a conclusion that summarizes your main points.

  4. Reference style guides, or create your own
    News agencies like Reuters and the Associated Press (AP) are renowned for publishing thousands of pieces of content everyday. They urge their journalists to avoid writing with exclamation marks in place of other punctuation. They also ask writers to avoid using any other word instead of ‘said’ or ‘says’ when demonstrating speech.

  5. Do not use adjectives and fillers 
    Keep things simple. Adjectives and fancy vocabulary should be used sparingly. If you want to give your audience a clear message, use simple words. For example, instead of using the word ‘verbose’ to describe a person who talks a lot, use a word like ‘chatty’ instead.

  6. Know your audience
    Anyone who wants to become a better content writer needs to be in tune with their target audience. Focusing on issues that are pertinent and topics they will want to read about.

  7. Tell your story 
    Storytelling is an engaging way of immediately grabbing your reader’s attention. It helps them understand why something is important and how it relates to their situation.

  8. Keep skim readers in mind 
    Skimmers are people who want to get information quickly. Break up your article into short sections using clear subheadings to indicate what’s important and what they should expect in each section.

  9. Keep it brief
    Like simplicity, brevity is a key to good writing. Less is more – never use 20 words where five will do. Such advice is similar to author George Orwell’s six rules of writing:

    “Never use a long word where a short one will do. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.”

  10. Readability 
    Concise sentences improve the readability of your content. Aim to have readable content, but keep in mind readability levels will differ depending on your target audience and their goals.

  11. Word count
    Equally important to having concise sentences and appropriate readability is sticking to an overall word count. It can be useful to assign a word count to each section. Try breaking up articles into 200-word bits to focus on explaining your main point in a fixed number of words.

  12. Re-read your work 
    Proofing (re-reading) your work to check for proper story flow, grammar and punctuation, and phrasing is vital. Slowly read your writing line-by-line, underscore areas that need work then go back to change them.

  13. Take a break between rewrites
    Some writers find it beneficial to re-read their work after some time away. Working on edits too close to your deadline adds stress, which can make checking for errors less effective.

  14. Be open to feedback
    Be open to feedback. When it comes to writing, everyone needs feedback. Someone with more experience often provides a wealth of knowledge and a second set of eyes never hurt.

Common Legal Terminology

The Medical Work Product provides your client attorneys with an invaluable tool in determining the merits of a claim. Defendant attorneys utilize these work products as a quick reference to medical information related to specific subjects. 

Before a Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC) begins an analysis of the medical records they should review the legal documents which have been provided. Legal records are the foundation or starting point for any work product; and should be reviewed first to gain an understanding of the allegations and claimed injury. For the LNC, an understanding of terms used in those records is a tool for understanding and preparing a quality work product.

Adverse Event (AE)
An adverse event is an undesirable condition caused by the use of a product (Product Example: medication, device, tobacco).

Causation means a person or entity’s action or omission proximately caused the injury alleged by the plaintiff. The key word here is proximately. For analyzing purposes, it means there is a continuous chain of events. While there may be more than one cause of the alleged injury, in most jurisdictions the plaintiff must prove that “but for” the defendant’s action or omission, the plaintiff would not have suffered the alleged injury.

In product liability, a claim is a demand or request for compensation from the manufacturer for alleged injuries caused by the product at issue. A claim becomes a lawsuit once the claimant files a Complaint in a court of law.

Typically, once a demand is denied, the claimant files a complaint in a court. This claimant now becomes a plaintiff. A complaint is a pleading document filed by a plaintiff in a court of law that states the facts of the case, the legal basis for the lawsuit (or cause of action), the alleged wrongdoing of the defendant, the injury that resulted from the wrongdoing, and the damages sought by the plaintiff.

The person who has died. In some cases, the lawsuit is brought by the personal representative or next-of-kin of the decedent.

The party sued by the plaintiff. There can be more than one defendant.

Deposition is the process of giving under-oath and out-of-court oral statements before the trial date in the presence of a court recorder. It is part of discovery and deposition testimonies can be used during trial. Persons who are deposed are the parties involved in the lawsuit (plaintiff(s) and defendant(s)), fact witnesses involved, and expert witnesses retained by either party. In the presence of the opposing attorney, the deposing attorney will ask a series of questions to the witness (the person being deposed).

Discovery is the legal procedure done after filing suit, but before the actual trial in which the plaintiff and defense exchange relevant information regarding the case. As the name implies, it’s meant to discover information from each party through depositions, interrogatories, and requests for production of documents.

Injury is the harm suffered by the person, including (1) physical harm, such as disfigurement, additional surgery; (2) pain and suffering such as mental anguish, depression, anxiety; (3) loss of past and future income; (4) loss of enjoyment of life; (5) loss of consortium; (6) death, etc. In lawsuits, injuries are allegations and must be proved to a judge and/or jury.

Legal Records
The Complaint, Plaintiff Fact Sheet, Plaintiff Profile Form, Authorizations, and Interrogatories are the most common examples of legal documents received.

Loss of consortium
This is a claim filed by the spouse of the plaintiff for his or her loss of benefit of spousal affection and sexual relations.

A plaintiff is the person or party who filed a lawsuit in a court of law. For deceased subjects, the plaintiff is usually the spouse or an adult child of the decedent acting as the personal representative of the estate of the decedent.

Products Liability
A products liability lawsuit refers to a lawsuit filed by a consumer typically against the manufacturer of the product based on design defects, manufacturing defects, or failure to warn against a product’s latent danger.

An out-of-court agreement reached by opposing parties to resolve the dispute. If there is already a pending lawsuit, the plaintiff withdraws the lawsuit and the plaintiff waives the right to file another lawsuit for the same matter. In settlement, there is typically no admission of wrongdoing. Settlements can occur before a suit is filed and even after a verdict is rendered.

A decision made by a judge or jury in a court of law about a disputed issue. In criminal cases, it’s guilty or not guilty. In medical malpractice, it’s negligent or not negligent. In products liability, it’s whether the product was defective or whether the manufacturer failed to warn consumers of the dangerous side effects, etc.

Work Product
Confidential materials prepared in anticipation of litigation or for trial.

10 Tips to Make You a Better Writer

Writing anything can be daunting, especially if it is something that you don’t do often. The blank page can be discouraging, and we feel pressured or cursed to be perfect writers after too many years of listening to high school English teachers who expected your first draft to be perfect. Every word can be a struggle to put on paper or screen, but writing doesn’t have to be so difficult.

The first trick is to set yourself in the chair and begin.

So, how do we brave this all-too-intimidating task?  These ten tips can help you take your idea from the blank page to the finished project. 

  1. Beat writer’s block before it starts by getting over your fear of the blank page.
    The sculptor can’t make a bowl without clay on the wheel, and a writer can’t work without words on the page.  One of the easiest ways to get past the paralysis is to set a timer for 30-60 seconds and write as quickly as you can anything and everything that comes to mind—even if it is words, phrases, notes, drawings, doodles—get it out of your head and onto the page.  Get those ideas flowing! No one will ever see this idea dump except you. Remember this exercise is only a warmup; it isn’t your draft.  This is Pre-Writing.  It could look something like this:

    Okay, I don’t know what to write. La la la la…I am supposed to write for 30 seconds, and the second hand is going so slowly but I have no idea what to write, so what is this thing that I have to write about? L:L ???? Oh, yeah, it is an article about how to make yourself a better writer, and I have to come across as someone who knows what they are doing, which I do, but still how do I narrow it down to only ten?  Of course, just get over your fear of the blank page….

    As you can see, most of that freewriting won’t be used, but these rambling words mean that the page isn’t blank anymore.  Other words can be added; other words can be taken away.  By allowing yourself to write whatever comes to mind, you have permitted yourself to simply put words down without fighting your inner critic. 

  2. Make an outline for what you need to write about. The outline doesn’t need to have Roman numerals or capital and lower case A’s and B’s as we learned in school. That type of outline can be helpful but isn’t necessary. Instead, simply jot down topics in the general order that you want to cover. This will ensure you do not forget any points you want to make.

  3. Consider your audience. Who will be reading what you have written?  What are their education level(s) and their knowledge of the material?  Your vocabulary, word choice, and length of your writing should be tailored for your audience.

  4. Throw out any sentences, phrases, and words that do not fit your narrative – regardless of how good they sound to you otherwise.  If they don’t fit the writing requirement, toss them out.  Instead, save them in a file to use at another time, but don’t hold on to phrases that do not further your narrative.  Even a rose can be a weed if it is growing in the wrong place. 

  5. Proofread, revise, proofread, revise. Repeat. Yes, “proofread” and “revise” sound the same, but they have subtle differences. Proofreading is to check for the correct word, a comma, or semi-colon out of place. Revision is to check for excess words or a turn of phrase that doesn’t quite fit.  You need to do both several times as you write.

    Check each of the following in your writing:
    • Proper use of commas and other punctuation. As a writer, nothing matters as much as the basic guidelines for punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

    • Do not rely solely on proofing and editing apps. Their use is limited at best – especially in legal and medical writing. 

    • Show, don’t tell. The old adage still stands true. Give details that touch the senses. 
      Example: “Her eyes burned, and her fists clenched, but she wouldn’t allow herself to cry.” vs. “She was angry.”

    • Subject/modifier agreement. Remember “each,” “nothing,” “everyone,” and “everybody” are all singular and use a singular verb such as “goes” or “has.”

    • Eliminate excess and filler words or phrases such as “just,” “there are/is,” and “basically.” These words and phrases are great when you have a word count to fulfill, but they show a lack of maturity and lessen the impact of your writing.

    • Avoid clichés like the plague! Use original descriptions, similes, and metaphors to captivate your readers. Entertain them regardless of the subject material.  You are a writer; use your own words!

  6. Make the words become a melody instead of a redundant repetition. Make sure your sentences are a balanced combination of long and short sentences with varying styles. This will make for more interesting and memorable writing.

  7. Put your draft away for a while – preferably a few days.  If you have time, put it away between any major rewrites. It helps to see the writing with fresh eyes, and the words and phrases that sound odd will be easier for you to find. 

  8. Proofread from the bottom up. Read the last sentence, then read the second to last sentence, and so on. You will find run-on sentences, fragments, and sentences that simply don’t make sense far more easily.

  9. Writing is not a linear project. As you write, you may outline, then pre-write, then you may write some more, then edit or go back to outlining.  It depends on what you need at the time.  Remember, writing isn’t an A to Z process.

  10. Accept that, ultimately, perfection doesn’t exist in writing, and you have to let it go. You have a creation, and you shouldn’t hold on to it forever.  Eventually, it will be time to put it out into the world. 

Now, let the words fly! 






5 Grammar Resources for Medical Analysts and Legal Nurse Consultants

No matter how good we are at grammar, it’s nice to lean on external resources to assist with writing projects. It helps to have assistance with finding the right word or phrase and when you ask, “Where does a semi-colon go again?” 

Here are the five best resources and when to use them:

1. Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White [Book]
The book Elements of Style, commonly called Strunk and White, guides and directs how American English is written and spoken. This book is frequently required for students from grade school through post-graduate programs. When you have grammar or syntax questions, this is the book to reference. It reviews grammar and punctuation and how to phrase something to sound exactly right, regardless of the writing product you are trying to produce.

Tip: Get a copy here for only $5

2. OWL/Purdue Online Writing Lab
Most English instructors and professors refer their students to this website.  It is easy to navigate and maintains the most up-to-date usage of APA and MLA reference styles.  This resource is vital for anyone who needs a guide for writing reports, grants, essays, or papers.

3. Oxford Modern English Grammar by Bas Aarts
This concise resource is great for both British and American English users. The book covers spelling, punctuation, syntax, the proper usage of certain words, and the etymology of a common word.

Tip: Always ask the person you are writing for in which style you should work.

4. APA Style Guide, 7th edition 
Most professions, including medical professions, use the APA writing notation style. This resource is available in both digital and hard copy. It goes over how everything is written from numbers to the use of the Oxford comma. Additionally, it is the definitive resource for referencing articles written for science and medical journals. 

Tip: Always be sure to use the latest edition of the APA Style Guide as the rules change from edition to edition. 

5. English Grammar 101 by Kitty Nash
This website is a simple grammar resource for writers and English as a second language speakers. It reviews basics such as nouns, verbs, and capitalization rules in addition to reviewing troublesome words like lay vs. lie. The website is well organized and very straightforward to use. This is a huge time saver eliminating the need to search the site for buried resources.  

Grammar Assistance Tools: Proceed with caution

While grammar assistance tools like Grammarly and Microsoft Word spelling and grammar check are great tools for your writing, do not rely on them exclusively.  They often find errors where there are not, but more often, they will overlook spelling errors (e.g. “in” vs “inn”), only check the basic punctuation rules, and don’t take into consideration the style you are writing in, like APA or MLA.  Use them cautiously.

5 Proofreading Tips for Legal Nurse Consultants

Copyediting a medical analysis work product for a legal matter differs from copyediting a blog post or white paper.  Aside from grammatical editing, proofreading a work product requires verifying that the information in the work product matches the information that is in the medical records. Accurate documentation is critical for client success.

Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs) do not always have access to a copy editor to proofread their work products. Attention to detail and concise communication are fundamental skills for LNCs.

Here are five tips to keep in mind while self-proofing your work:

1.) Focus on the details most important to the client

Each client will have a specific set of items and details that are most important to their particular matter. The accuracy of these items is vital. Common items include:

  • Dates
  • Bates references
  • Patient and provider names
  • Product identification and lot numbers
  • Specimen numbers
  • Laboratory results
  • Medication dosages and quantities
  • Times, heights, weights, ages, and other miscellaneous numbers

2.) Self-proof in small batches

Some matters will include large quantities of medical records. Try to proof in small batches, such as per packet of records, or split up large packets. This will help to identify issues such as hyperlink failures or report formatting issues early in the process.

3.) Utilize spelling/grammar check

It is important to run a spelling/grammar check on your work product. Tips for using the spellcheck function include:

  • Quickly access the tool by pressing the F7 key on your keyboard.
  • Ensure the “check grammar” box is checked.
  • The tool may bring up proper nouns or medical terms that it does not recognize that is not misspelled, and it will not always catch words outs of context (Ex: “lumber” vs. “lumbar”).
  • Be sure to use “Ignore All,” “Change All,” and “Add to Dictionary” cautiously.

4.) Date verification

Accurate date representation is imperative in medical analysis. Try approaching date proofing as a separate objective than the spelling and grammar. Tips include:

  • Ensure dates are in chronological order.
  • Look for dates that have extra or missing digits, missing slashes, or are formatted incorrectly/inconsistently.
  • Double-check dates that represent the current year. Sometimes we type the current year out of habit.

5.) Be attuned to your error tendencies

Attune to the errors you tend to make. For example, maybe you tend to misspell “ibuprofen” or to leave the last page off of a bates range. If you find an error, make sure to correct all instances of that error. By pressing Ctrl + F on your keyboard you can search the entire document for all instances of a particular word or name. 

Though proofreading your work product is the final step of the medical analysis process, it is also the most important. It not only guarantees a quality product for your client, but it also creates and maintains a credible reputation for yourself as an LNC professional.   

Tips to Maintain Positivity: Dealing with Social Distancing – A Personal Perspective

Authored by Tamela Turk, Medical Analyst 

Working from home is a perk that some of us have enjoyed for years, but recently, many people are experiencing a remote work setting for the first time in response to coronavirus restrictions. Many positives are associated with work from home, but one of the negatives is social isolation. We do not have the daily personal interaction with co-workers and management that many of us rely on whether we live alone or not.

I absolutely love that my position provides me the opportunity of a remote working environment. Until recently, I lived alone. My daughter and my son lived in a different state. I lived a life of social isolation, but I could go out and have dinner when I felt the urge to be around people. Luckily, I moved near my daughter and son right before the coronavirus became a household word, so at least I have my children near me.  Prior to the move, I dealt with social isolation by going to restaurants, grocery stores, movie theaters, wineries, ballgames, and visiting family across the country.  All of that changed when social distancing was recommended, and city and states issued stay-at-home orders.  

Since social distancing was recommended, I’ve had to learn to be more creative with my time.  What could I do to keep myself from the doldrums?  I binge watched shows my kids recommended, but that wasn’t enough.  I would laugh, but then go back to watching the Hallmark Channel’s Christmas movies that are being run 24/7 during this time.  I found myself getting more depressed.  Once the stay-at-home order hit my area, I started feeling a bit claustrophobic.  I had so many plans and now I was stuck at home.  Luckily, my son had moved in right before the order took effect, however, being directed to stay at home when I already worked from home started to mess with my psyche until I took control of it. 

What could I do? 

My outlook changed because it had to.  No more fretting, no more anger. I have no control over the situation so I must make the best of what has been dealt, because it could always be worse. It finally dawned on me that it was spring, a season of rebirth and new beginnings.  I decided to take a drive to explore the area since I recently moved to a new state.  I stumbled upon a state park and the first thing that greeted me was a stunning bald eagle. It was my first sighting ever and it felt like a sign. I saw people fishing along the banks of the lake and the docks all standing a minimum of six feet apart following the national and local guidelines.  I saw a family with 6 small dogs walking in an isolated part of the park and many of the trees were in full bloom.  It reminded me that as the seasons change, so do our lives.  What is here today will be gone in another season.  The drive invigorated me. 

When I came home, I decided to do some spring cleaning and tackle some yard work.  If I am stuck at home, I am going to enjoy my outdoors. I made designs for the backyard flower beds, re-seeded my yard, and used my grill and fire pit for the first time. I went to bed that night feeling accomplished and excited about the next day.

When I woke up the next morning, I got ready like I had a date planned.  Looking in the mirror gave me a huge boost of self-esteem.  I spoke with my daughter and son to plan for the day.  Since my daughter lives in another county, we decided to play a game over the phone via Facetime.  We played Bezzerwizzer, which is a robust version of Trivial Pursuit.  We had a blast!  We decided to have a weekly game day over the phone throughout the stay-at-home order.  Another activity we are planning is to choose a movie to watch and Facetime after to get everyone’s critique. 

There are so many things we can do to busy our minds we just need to be creative.  Some ideas include having a family meal and including others in the family by Facetime or Skype, making a daily phone call to friends and family, building Lego projects, crafting, woodworking, riding bikes, or taking walks.  My son bought a basketball hoop so the two of us can release some frustration, and I can’t wait!  Time to work on my three-point shots.

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic we were becoming more socially isolated due to technology, but now technology is keeping us in touch with our families, friends, co-workers and communities.  Now is the time to take a page from the past and join it with our present.  Remember what you did as a child, use your mind to create the idea and use technology to include family and friends that cannot join in person. As with the seasons, this too will pass. It is how we deal with crisis that not only impacts us, but everyone else in our lives.  

9 Must Know Legal Terms for LNC’s: Part II (INFOGRAPHIC)

The foundation of  your work as Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC) is based on an understanding of legal terms and concepts. The challenge at times is reaching a shared understanding of those terms and concepts.

Let’s go back to basics as we familiarize ourselves with common legal terminology. As a continuation to our original post 7 Must Know Legal Terms for LNC’s: Part I, we would like to expand the list to 9 additional terms: 

  1. Plaintiff: A plaintiff is the person or party who filed a lawsuit in a court of law. For deceased subjects, the plaintiff is usually the spouse or an adult child of the decedent, acting as the personal representative of the estate of the decedent.

  2. Decedent: The person who has died. In some cases, the lawsuit is brought by the personal representative or next-of-kin of the decedent.

  3. Defendant: The party sued by the plaintiff. There can be more than one defendant. 

  4. Complaint: Typically, once a demand is denied, the claimant files a complaint in a court. This claimant now becomes a plaintiff. A complaint is a pleading document filed by a plaintiff in a court of law that states the facts of the case, the legal basis for the lawsuit (or cause of action), the alleged wrongdoing of the defendant, the injury that resulted from the wrongdoing, and the damages sought by the plaintiff. 

  5. Injury: Injury is the harm suffered by the person, including (1) physical harm, such as disfigurement, additional surgery, (2) pain and suffering such as mental anguish, depression, anxiety; (3) loss of past and future income, (4) loss of enjoyment of life, (5) loss of consortium, (6) death, etc. In lawsuits, injuries are allegations and must be proved to a judge and/or jury.

  6. Products Liability: A products liability lawsuit refers to a lawsuit filed by a consumer typically against the manufacturer of the product based on design defects, manufacturing defects, or failure to warn against a product’s latent danger.

  7. Adverse Event (AE): An adverse event is an undesirable condition caused by the use of the product. 

  8. Verdict: A decision made by a judge or jury in a court of law about a disputed issue. In criminal cases, it’s guilty or not guilty. In medical malpractice, it’s negligent or not negligent. In Products liability, it’s whether the product was defective or whether the manufacturer failed to warn consumers of the dangerous side effects, etc. 

  9. Work Product: Confidential materials prepared in anticipation of litigation or for trial. 

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Employee Spotlight: Lending a Helping Hand

People across the world are adjusting to a new normal in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we are all in this together, social distancing can leave us feeling disconnected and lonely. Communities are pulling together to lend a helping hand to make an impact in their neighborhoods. 

Chris Steere, Advance Talent’s Director of Medical and Account Management,  shared a wonderful story of how her and her family are giving back to their community. Outside of work Chris is a talented seamstress. She and her five boys have begun making face masks for their local hospitals and nursing homes. 

Chris found a special pattern requested in her community without elastic that lessen irritation for the workers. She and her family are aiming to have 50 masks completed by the end of this week. 

Hats off to Chris and her family for their dedication to others during this time. We are inspired by your generosity and creativeness. 

If you are interested in making masks or gowns, Chris recommends finding the pattern your community is requesting.

7 Benefits of Mentorship

Mentoring is a motivating career development opportunity. Connecting with a senior professional in your field can provide you invaluable advice and feedback.

Here are 7 benefits of having a mentor and how they are helpful to your career (see below for infographic): 

Professional Network

Having a mentor opens you up to making connections with others in your field and allows you to network with your colleagues. It’s never easy being the new kid on the block. Whether you’re new to the field, or new to the industry, leverage your mentor to make connections within and across your network.  

Business Relationship

Engaging in a mentor/mentee relationship gives you the chance to create and maintain a professional relationship. These skills transfer directly to your career, providing you a skill set for the office, interviews, networking and more. 

New Perspective 

Being able to connect with someone who has miles in your field allows you to gain a broader perspective on your industry’s practices. You gain insight on technology progressions, business mergers, job efficiencies, as well as new job opportunities. 


Laying out your personal goals with your mentor can motivate you to complete them since you have someone to report your progress to. Think of them as your career workout buddy. 

Support Group 

Mentors are people you can turn to for encouragement as well as someone that will celebrate your successes. They want the best for you and feel prideful when you’re excelling in your profession. You’re never alone. 

Personal Experience

Lessons are learned through mistakes and failed attempts. You will have plenty of these throughout your professional career, however, your mentor can share personal experiences they’ve had to help route your in the right direction. Wisdom comes with experience. Leverage the experience of others to help you navigate new territory and challenging career milestones. 

Focused on Work 

Outlining your job demands with your mentor can help you prioritize your tasks and see what you need to focus on. Getting an outside perspective on your workload can help identify areas of inefficiencies or a potential technology solution to lighten your workload. 

Mentorship is equally beneficial to the mentor. Providing guidance and advice is a gratifying feeling while making a difference in someone’s life. It provides you the opportunity to lend a helping hand, form a meaningful relationship, and keeps you honest in your area of practice.

Learning never ends.

7 Benefits of Having a Mentor infographic