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6 Ways to Elevate Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn profiles are a must-have for professionals in all industries. You’ve created a profile, and you keep your experience up to date [5 Tips to Create an Impressive LinkedIn Profile], but what else can you do to elevate your presence on the world’s largest professional network?

Try these 6 tips to bump your LinkedIn profile from LinkedIn Beginner to LinkedIn Pro:

  1. Add a background photo
  2. List your relevant skills
  3. Manage your accomplishments
  4. Use photo frames
  5. List your location
  6. Align with your industry

1. Add a background photo

The background photo of your LinkedIn profile is the image that appears at the top of the page, sometimes referred to as the banner image. Updating this photo is a quick way to elevate your profile and visually support who you are.

Ideas for your background photo on LinkedIn:


Learn how to change the background photo on your LinkedIn profile.


2. List your relevant skills

Maintain a relevant list of your skills on your LinkedIn profile to showcase your expertise and strengths to help you match with the right connections and opportunities.

LinkedIn also offers free skill assessments on industry knowledge and tool and technology. The assessments are 15 multiple choice questions and if you score in the top 30% you earn a skill badge to display on your profile. When adding skills to your profile, click “Take skill quiz” to launch a new window with assessment options. 

Learn how to add and remove skills on your LinkedIn profile.

3. Manage your accomplishments 

Showcase your industry and field expertise by adding your accomplishments on your LinkedIn profile. Encourage your connections and potential employers to find out more about your expertise and professional history.

Accomplishments include:

Here is an example of Mindi Rosser’s LinkedIn profile (owner of Mindi Rosser Marketing) – she is the ultimate LinkedIn guru.  

Learn how to manage your accomplishments on your LinkedIn profile.


4. Use photo frames

This feature is for those seeking employment opportunities.

LinkedIn offers a frame that outlines your profile photo with #OpenToWork to show connections and employers that you are open and available to job opportunities. Only choose to use this feature if you are willing to let everyone know about your employment status and preference.

Resource: LinkedIn
View video here

Learn how to change your profile photo frame on LinkedIn


5. List your location

Listing your location is a key detail to include on your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn’s search feature uses your location as the main driver for searchability. This will allow you to show up in more searches for employment opportunities and connections in your area.

If you’re looking to relocate, set your location to your desired destination for employers and peers to find you.

6. Align with your industry 

List the industry your experience aligns with in the introduction section of your LinkedIn profile. The introduction section is first section users see at the top of your profile. The purpose of this section is to highlight the items you want people to know immediately and at a glance.

Other fields listed in the introduction section:

Learn how to change the industry information on your LinkedIn profile.

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